Friday, August 9, 2013

Art Criticism Article

1. I reviewed Art Exhibit: Food by Allison Cilarski.

2. I selected this exhibit because I was really interested in the idea since I first read that she was going to use food as a theme in the discussion forum.

3. I faced challenges in writing the critique article just because I am not an expert on art and could only use my personal opinion. I did not feel like I was "qualified" to make judgements on the work because I don't know that much about art.

4. It was interesting critiquing my peers' work because we are all so different from each other. Even when given the same exact project they all come out completely different. Looking through all the exhibits I didn't find any that were similar to mine. Some people had ideas that I wished I would have had and I never would have thought of on my own. It was also interesting to read about how people justified or explained the creation and flow of their presentations.

5. I guess I would like to read my peers' feedback on my project. It would be helpful to know what other people thought of my ideas because sometimes outside opinions can help you going forward. They may see something differently than I did or I may not have explained my thought process well enough and they could have been lost on what I was trying to get across. Constructive criticism is always helpful.

6. My finished article was probably a 7-8. I think I wrote a good response but I don't know if I validated all of my points well enough. I hope I got across what I meant and it was a good article.

7. I liked the first part of the project- actually making the exhibit. It was harder to look at someone else's work and interpret and analyze it.

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