Friday, June 7, 2013

Blog 3: Color Theory and Emotional Effects

1. Describe color and its effects on emotions. Use appropriate vocabulary of color in your posting.
There is no other visual element that provides a more pleasurable experience than color. There have been psychological studies of the effects of color and how they impact people's moods that have led to the way the world is colored around us. According to chapter 4, red is believed to increase appetite and food consumption which way restaurants often decorate in red, just as blue is said to be relaxing and calming to even lower blood pressure. The harmonies of colors and color schemes that are created using complementary colors all provide viewers with different experiences. Harmonies in combinations of lights and pigments allow color to be fluid and take the viewer's eyes to different places of the work as well as brining the work to life for the viewer.

2. What is a theoretical aspect of color that most intrigues/fascinates you?
I am most fascinated by the way light changes color because all colors are dependent on light. The way light changes the way we view colors is fascinating and as we saw in the Color Video, can be very frustrating for the artist. The woman, June, in the video kept saying "It's not the right light..." She was frustrated with the way her painting of Venice was coming along when she was creating inside her London studio. It just wasn't the same. The video also showed a moment where they were riding in a gondola along the water ways of Venice and they were talking about the way the light reflects off of the water to change the colors of their surroundings. We were then able to see them go under a bridge where you could vividly see the reflections from the sun reflect off of the water and running along the underside of the bridge. The lighting brings so much life and fluidness to the way colors run.

3. In the color video, what made the biggest impact on you in regards to color and its effects on emotions?
In the color video, the thing that made the biggest impact to me in regards of color and its effects on emotions was probably just watching June's story of creating her painting. She spoke about wanting to create a feeling of well being through the painting and really struggled with her use of colors to bring that message through. I liked the way she painted fluidly so that the painting was "kept alive." It was interesting to learn about how much lighting effects colors and even how Titian mimicked in paint the effect of light in his painting The Assumption to reflect color everywhere just as it is in real life. I believe the lighting surround the colors makes the paintings look so realistic.

4. In the feelings video, what made the biggest impact on you in regards to color and its effects on emotions?
In the feelings video, the thing that made the biggest impact to me in regards of color and its effect on emotions was that there was history behind the point in time where art actually changed to reflect feelings. It is amazing that there were always the religious paintings in churches and hung to show familiar bible stories but everything changed when the paintings grew with artistic techniques that could intensify the stories so that people could emotionally identify with them. And then the whole idea from trying to change people's minds that god is making all of the decisions to David and Goya's works expressing that hell is something we make for ourselves and we control our own actions.

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